Smoke from the NSW bushfires has drifted as far south as Melbourne, prompting a warning from the weather bureau.
A Bureau of Meteorology spokesman said the smoke had travelled overnight from the massive blazes in southern and eastern NSW.
Melbourne was shrouded in a smoky haze by mid-morning on Friday, as it heated up to a predicted scorching 43 degrees.
This is quite incredible; the State Control Centre says the smoke haze that has shrouded #Melbourne is from the NSW bushfires @9NewsMelb @9NewsAUS @vicemergency #melbourneweather #NSWbushfires #NSWfires pic.twitter.com/rsYbCgUOpN
— Tom Kelly (@tpwkelly) December 20, 2019
Four fires burning in Gippsland, in eastern Victoria, were also responsible. Vision was reduced to about a kilometre in some places, the bureau said.
Vic Emergency issued an air quality warning at 1pm (AEDT), saying light winds meant smoke would continue to affect air quality until Saturday morning.
There is a fire ban for the entire state of Victoria on Friday, with “very high” to “extreme” fire danger ratings across the state.
Smoke is extending over #Victoria this morning from the #nswfires and the Gippsland fires, reducing visibility to around 1km in places. The smoke will gradually disperse over the next few hours, although generally hazy conditions are expected right across Victoria today. pic.twitter.com/T8AdM2RoHv
— Bureau of Meteorology, Victoria (@BOM_Vic) December 20, 2019
Our webcam at Kilmore captured the tide of smoke as it moved over the ranges before reaching #Melbourne. The smoke is trapped under an inversion but is expected to gradually disperse as temperatures increase and ventilation improves. Check @EPA_Victoria for air quality info pic.twitter.com/GgEEnVcAz1
— Bureau of Meteorology, Victoria (@BOM_Vic) December 20, 2019
Residents were also being urged to take as much pressure off the electricity grid as possible as the deadly heatwave hit the state.
“The experts assure us that we have sufficient energy supply for today,” Health Minister Jenny Mikakos said.
“But it is sensible to not turn on your dishwasher and your washing machine and all your electrical appliances on days like today.”
There won’t be any reprieve from the heat until early evening, before cool air at midnight.
“The cool change is still on track and is still later than anyone would want,” Bureau of Meteorology senior meteorologist Keris Arndt said.
“We will slowly cool down with the sun going down but we won’t have any cool air until about midnight.”
20 December 2019: Melbourne CBD barely visible from Northcote. #nswfires smoke enveloping city and suburbs. Temperature at home about 39°C, NE/NW wind's starting to roar over the hill pic.twitter.com/jBeXwvTMzU
— 2050: DISCO INFERNO🏴 (@cfsmtbation) December 20, 2019
Victoria’s Country Fire Authority said nearly 500 firefighters were battling three uncontained fires in East Gippsland.
There were also more than 260 firefighters still at the contained Tambo Crossing fire.
A further 118 firefighters were patrolling blazes at Somerton, on Melbourne’s northern oustskirts.
-with AAP
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