
Australia ‘probably on the cusp’ of stamping out coronavirus as global death toll surpasses 100,000

Australia may be ‘on the cusp’ of stamping out coronavirus but people have been warned not to become complacent as the global death toll passed 100,000.

Strict social distancing regulations have enabled transmission rates to drop from one Australian leading to 400 cases in a month to the current rate of only one to two infections.

However the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned overnight Friday that lifting restrictions too quickly could lead to a “deadly resurgence” of COVID-19.

Some badly hit countries, like Spain, are considering a gradual resumption of normal life but WHO director general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said it must be carefully balanced against the risk of a second wave of infections.

“The WHO wants to see restrictions lifted as much as anyone,” Dr Tedros said.

“At the same time, lifting restrictions too quickly could lead to deadly resurgence. The way down can be as deadly as the way up if not managed properly.”

The warning comes as Australians were urged not to become relaxed about social distancing advice over the Easter long weekend and to stay at home and adhere to the rules.

Under the current regulation regime, Deputy chief medical officer Paul Kelly said Australia could be close to seeing the epidemic die out.

“Ideally, where you want to be is below one…person being infected, after a person themselves had the infection,” he said.

“Once you get to that point, the virus dies out or the epidemic dies out. At the moment, we’re probably on the cusp of that in Australia.

“Whether that’s where we’re going to be in several weeks’ or months’ time remains to be seen. But at the moment, we’re certainly not anywhere near five.”

The nation’s daily increase in cases fell below 100 on Thursday – the first time in three weeks.

More than 6100 people in Australia have contracted coronavirus with 54 deaths – including the latest deaths in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania.

Police across the country are on alert to bust non-essential travellers and have been handing out hefty fines.

At the same time police across a number of states have indicated satisfaction with the public’s compliance with social distancing.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in his Easter message that the inability to gather should not diminish Christians’ hope and they should live out their faith by staying home and supporting loved ones.

Many Australians will tune into live-streamed church services on Easter Sunday.

-with AAP

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